Fashion, Finance, Business, Passion - All in one Ring

Monesave Payment Ring & App

Mastercard Approved Smart Rings so you can tap and go,

Globally! Waterproof, Scratch Resistant and Secure.

Monesave Payment Ring
Monesave Payment Ring

Replace your POS Machine! Tap to receive Payment Rings for our Business Customers. Collect Payments with your Ring everywhere and anywhere

First Ring in the world to combine Fine Jewellery or Team Support... in one ring.

Combine Banking & Passion with our Payment Rings

Replace your Clunky Old Wallet in three steps

Step 1: Pick your Ring Style and Passion

Step 2: Download the Monesave App and Create a profile. We are the most global fintech ever with availability in 121 countries. And we are working hard to add more countries.

Step 3: Wave goodbye to Inconvenient wallets and Unreliable Phone batteries. Tap & Go everwhere.

Replace your POS terminal with a Ring!

For Small Business Owners (Plumbers, Electricians, Handymen, Shop owners etc), replace your ePOS and POS Cash Terminal in three simple steps:

Step 1: Throw away those outdated POS Terminals into the gabbage bin!

Step 3: Wave goodbye to Inconvenient wallets and Unreliable Phone batteries. Tap & Go everwhere.

Step 2: Pick your Ring Style and Order your Ring